Christmas celebrated at Bodhi Chitta Foundation
Christmas is the time to be with friends and family, so it's no surprise that it's also a time for celebration. Children at Bodhi Chitta Foundation were treated to a beautiful Christmas celebration on December 25th. To some it was their first Christmas celebration. The children were all excited about what gifts they might receive throughout the day and how much fun they will have celebrating with their friends. Santa Claus came to visit as well, bringing cheer and smiles to everyone present at this special day of year!

The children had a very special day, where they got to play games, dance and sing songs with their friends. The children were also treated to some delicious food, which they all enjoyed very much. The highlight of the day was when our very own Ani Nima Gurung offered them a surprise visit from Santa Claus and shared gifts in the form of clothes games and snacks. The children were so happy that they even gave out gifts to each other as well which they made by themselves!
Christmas Gifts for our children
It was a very happy day for the children. They were all very excited about Christmas and wished that it could be celebrated every day. The children had a party in the evening and everyone enjoyed themselves very much.
The staff at Bodhi Chitta Orphanage worked hard to make sure that all the children had a great time celebrating this special day. The whole team put their hearts into it and did an amazing job! They are just so nice; they treat everyone as if they were family members themselves! Their generosity knows no bounds and I am very grateful for everything they do to help us celebrate festivals together as one big family unit here at Bodhi Chitta Foundation.
This was a perfect way to celebrate Christmas, which is all about giving love, kindness and compassion. We were so happy to see the children smile from ear-to-ear as they enjoyed their time with us at Bodhi Chitta Foundation. We hope this event will be repeated again next year!